Tanks in us military parades, images
Tanks in us military parades, images

I walked most of the evening, and I think it was the most splendid illumination I ever saw a few surly houses were dark but the lights were very universal.

tanks in us military parades, images

As the invited guest of French president Emmanuel Macron, Trump watched enthusiastically from a reviewing stand as the French military showcased its tanks and fighter jets, including many US-made planes, along the Champs-Elysées.“I was walking about the streets for a little fresh air and exercise,” he writes, “and was surprised to find the whole city lighting up their candles at the windows. Trump decided he wanted a military parade in Washington after he attended France’s Bastille Day celebration in the center of Paris last July. Northern Command, which oversees US troops in North America, will execute the parade. The memo from the office of Jim Mattis, the defense secretary, offered initial planning guidance to the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, whose staff will plan the parade along a route from the White House to the Capitol and integrate it with the city’s annual veterans’ parade. The White House budget director recently told Congress the cost to taxpayers could be between $10m and $30m. The memo did not include a cost estimate. Older aircraft will be included as available. The event will “include a heavy air component at the end of the parade”, the memo said, meaning lots of airplane flyovers.

tanks in us military parades, images tanks in us military parades, images

In other words, heavy tanks could tear up the streets of DC and will thus not be allowed to rumble past the president on his reviewing stand. But a Pentagon planning memo issued on Thursday and released on Friday said the parade being planned for 11 November will “include wheeled vehicles only, no tanks consideration must be given to minimize damage to local infrastructure”.

Tanks in us military parades, images